Contact Information

Surf Pines Association
33317 Surf Pines Ln
Warrenton, OR  97146

Fieldstone Properties, LLC manages all the financial aspects of Surf Pines, including dues collection.  If you have not signed up for our Portal, please do so as soon as possible. It is very simple to use, allows the ability to pay automatically at no cost or you can put it on your credit card, which we have not been able to do in the past. It also saves you and your neighbors significant money, since if you are not signed up, they have to mail out all billings. The online owners’ portal allows owners 24/7 access to governing documents, financial records, account information, online payments, newsletters, announcements, calendar of events, and more. Using the Portal helps us keep your dues as the lowest gated community along the Oregon Coast.

Call Fieldstone at (541) 385-7799 and they will be happy to have a support person to help you set up your account. Link to the AppFolio member Portal.

If you have a question or comment, please fill out this form.

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Your Information
Select an Association Member
If this is an emergency call 911. All requests go to Surf Pines Association's administrator, Laura Holgate. Copies go to the association's President and Secretary. Your request will be responded to by the administrator or forwarded to the appropriate party. Most responses will be processed and responded to within in two business days. In the event of a more urgent security or maintenance issue, please select Ken Weist also. He is on site and can respond more quickly.
If this is an emergency call 911. All requests go to your Community Manger Debbie Eddy, with copies to BOD President and Secretary, who will respond or forward to the appropriate party. In the event of a more urgent Security or maintenance issue, please select Ken Weist also. He is on site can can respond more quickly. However, most responses will be processed and responded to usually in two business days.
Yes, this is a trick question and easy to answer.
We ask it because spam bots are not smart enough to answer correctly, while humans are.

Assocation Members

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