(rest of question) to be an employee. Please clarify. Thx
Answer 10-16-2023:
Thank you for your follow-up question. I appreciate your interest in the appointment of the new Director. The classification of the "new Director" as a personnel matter is indeed subject to interpretation, and I understand your perspective that a Board Director is not an employee.
At Surf Pines, our approach is to treat all volunteers, including Board of Directors (BOD) members, with the same respect and consideration that we would provide to an employee. While BOD members are volunteers, we believe they should be afforded a similar level of confidentiality and privacy in discussions related to their appointment. This approach is in line with our commitment to transparency and fairness.
Moreover, Surf Pines' guiding documents, which have been approved by a majority of our residents, outline that BOD replacements are determined by the Board of Directors. These same documents also indicate that the Board of Directors, elected by the majority of our members to represent them, are responsible for making the decision on who will replace a resigning Board member. This process is similar to how many states handle the replacement of a federal congressperson.
I'm pleased to inform you that we had two highly qualified individuals apply for this position, and our BOD will review their qualifications in an executive session. After this review, we will transition to an open meeting on the 25th of October for the motion to appoint and provide our decision to the community in that open meeting.
Thank you for your understanding and engagement in this important matter.
Tom Smith Secretary of Surf Pines Association